1000 Reasons To Be Thankful Emil-01

Dear FPD Parents,

As you may know the theme of this year’s Annual Fund campaign, is “Over 1000 Reasons to Give,” but just as there are 1000 reasons to give, there are also 1000 reasons to be thankful. We are especially reminded of this during this Thanksgiving season.

Below are thoughts from our parent and faculty chairs for this year’s Annual Fund reminding us of the many reasons we have to be thankful.
In this season of giving thanks, our family is so grateful for First Presbyterian Day School. For Godly teachers who love, teach and shepherd our children – not only in academics, but in life. For coaches who push our children to athletic excellence, but also remind them that winning isn’t the most important thing. For technology that prepares our children for success in college and their careers. For Bible classes that provide a moral and theological foundation that our children can build their lives upon. For an FPD family that is diverse and busy, yet comes together to support, love and raise children who will “change the world for God’s glory.” Our family is blessed to call FPD our home. We give thanks for this school today and everyday.”
– Rick & Niki Mixon, Parent Chairs  


‘Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done…..’ I was reminded of this as I left Chapel here at school last Tuesday. Our elementary school gathers for Chapel in the auditorium every other Tuesday at noon. On this particular Tuesday, Dr. Shealy shared a message about praying. A symbolic reminder of using 5 points to pray ….. the Five Finger Prayer – I love you, I’m sorry, thank you, please for me, and please for someone else. As we began our prayer time the next day, I reminded the children of the 5 points. The heartfelt thoughts always warm my heart and reminded me to count my blessings.

I challenge each of you to count your blessings and name them one by one. As I count mine, I count FPD as a blessing. I am blessed to teach here where I am supported and loved, and I am blessed to have my own children here where they are supported and loved. In this time of thankfulness and giving, I challenge you to take time to count your blessings and see what God has done.”
– Lynn Strickland, 1st Grade Teacher, Faculty Chair



As the calendar year draws to a close, please consider a gift to the FPD Annual Fund as you count your blessings this holiday season. Every gift of every size counts. Each gift helps fund projects that enhance and expand the educational opportunities for students at FPD. Our faculty and staff have already reached 100% in giving this year and would like to challenge our parents to do the same.

If you have not yet made your gift or pledge, you may do so online using the link below or by calling FPD’s Advancement Office at 478.477.6505, ext 190.  For a complete list of items needed, visit our Equipping Our Students page on our website. Thank you for your continued dedication, prayers, and gifts to First Presbyterian Day School. It is a blessing and a privilege to work with each of you in providing the very best opportunities for our children.

Jennifer Barfield
FPD Director of Advancement
and FPD Parent