Each year FPD selects several representatives of the senior class to feature as Senior Spotlights. Here is part one of the 2019 Senior Spotlights. We asked them about their favorite FPD memories and plans for the future.
Marshall Danner

College Choice: University of Georgia
Planned Major: Business
How do you feel your experience at FPD has prepared you for college?
I believe that the rigor of FPD’s classes has helped me to prepare for college. I have learned how much work I need to put in to succeed at what I’m doing. I have also experienced the joy of the hard work paying off. I will definitely take this experience and feeling with me to college, where I will continue to strive to do my best to succeed in everything I do.
Why is FPD a wonderful and special place to be?
FPD is a great school because of the community it provides. I’ve been attending this school for 14 years, and as a result, I have friendships developed just recently as well as friendships I have maintained since PreK. The faculty and staff at FPD have helped immensely in making FPD feel like such a great community. I can go to any of my teachers or coaches for any help I may need, no matter when I may need it. I have never felt alone at FPD. I have always felt that the school has had such a major part in my life and who I am today.
Any advice for underclassmen?
My advice for the underclassmen is to not take these moments with your friends for granted. Do not take your high school experience for granted. High school goes by much quicker than you think, so you should enjoy these moments while you have them. You should also take advantage of the great faculty and curriculum that FPD provides. Most importantly, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” (Colossians 3:23).
Christy Wang

College Choice: Ohio State University
Planned Major: Psychology
Christy is an FPD International Student from Shanxi Taiyuan in China. She started FPD in tenth grade.
How do you feel FPD instilled in you a foundation of faith?
All the teachers that I had in past three years have been good Christian examples for me. They care about students’ feelings and are always willing to help.
Is there a particular teacher who made an impact?
Mrs. Bowker who is our English Language Learner and Instructional Support teacher. She has a passion to help all the international students. When we need her, she is always there to give us advice.
What has been your favorite part about the whole International Student experience at FPD?
My favorite part is being able to study here with all the lovely people and learning a different culture.
Why is FPD a wonderful and special place to be?
FPD teaches students how to be more like Jesus and all the faculty illustrate it to all the students.
Will Ware

College Choice: Georgia Southern University
Planned Major: Construction Management
How do you feel your experience at FPD has prepared you for college?
I believe that if I would have to gone to any other school I would not have been as prepared for college. FPD has taught me how to study in a way that helps me learn and understand what I am studying. Also it has improved my ability to manage my time wisely.
Is there a particular teacher or coach who made an impact?
One coach who has had the biggest impact on my life would have to be Coach Turley, without a doubt. He has been my football and my lacrosse coach for the past 3 years, he has also been my teacher. He is an awesome teacher and amazing coach and even a better person. He has always been there for me through the ups and downs of high school.
Why is FPD a wonderful and special place to be?
FPD became like a second home for me, I spent most of my life there. This place taught me more than just vocabulary words and equations, it taught me how to be a person. It taught me how to be kind and respectful to others.