Over the next few months, as we celebrate 50 years of faith and family at FPD, we are going to highlight some of the many wonderful memories from our alumni and former faculty. In this post, we highlight several memories shared by some of our young alumni. Share your thoughts and memories using our online form.
Amelia Squires ’18
Stephanie Garrison [FPD Middle School Art Teacher] is a rock star. There are so many teachers at FPD that I still stay in touch with, but she is so special to me.
The first time I had her as a teacher was my sixth grade year, my first year at FPD, for art class. I had her again in seventh grade and in eighth. When most middle schoolers make the transition to high school, they tend to somewhat forget about the teachers they had in middle school, but not me.
I continued going to see her even though I was not in her class. She even took me under her wing when I joined the yearbook staff for three years of high school. If you could not find me my senior year, you could ask anyone and they could tell you I was in her classroom. Not only did she teach me how to make beautiful art, she taught me a lot about life and helped me figure out who I was and who I wanted to be when I left FPD.
To this day, I consider her one of my dearest friends and someone I look up to and have endless respect for.

Kalo Oglesby ‘ 12
There are many [memories], but one that will stand the test of time while I trek the journey of my professional career is one from most of the faculty at the time I attended – Love is what you do, not what you say. In the climate we live in today, I think it worthy to note that differences makes the world a better place. But, consistency in how you treat people makes it a better place to live. I have no doubt that the love I was shown, had nothing to do with me specifically – this was the FPD way. I see it emphatically developing ever so quickly by way of the make-up of the student body that reflects all walks of life.
Bethany Martinez ’19
My favorite memory of FPD was Spirit Week my senior year. We walked in as a class on the first day, and it felt like we were all disconnected. However, we came together as a class with no separate groups. We all decorated together and prepared for lip syncs together, and we walked out on Friday to the song “Hey, Look Ma I Made It.” Then we ran out together as a class when we found out we won Spirit Week, which we could only do if we worked together. This was my favorite memory with my class, and I will forever remember the friendships and fun times I had thanks to FPD!
Mary Lanphier ’13
There are many times from my 14 years at FPD that stand out to me. Coach A had one of the biggest impacts on my life, and I enjoy every conversation to date. I was having a hard time with my family during my time in his class, and he helped me through it. I try and visit with him as much as possible to this day. I’ve been told I’m the only South Carolina fan he’ll hug! We tease each other, but the relationship we had over the years helped me become the person I am today. I will forever remember Coach A, and my time at the Day School.