Over the next few weeks we are going to spotlight several Class of 2018 graduates who are finishing up their first year at college. We wanted to see how they were doing and how they consider their days at FPD.
We start with Titus Moore. Titus started at FPD in fourth grade and is now at Samford University. He is studying Business Marketing and, after setting several track records at FPD, he is a stand-out athlete on Samford’s track team.How do you feel FPD prepared you academically for college?
FPD taught me how to better manage my work. In college, you can prioritize what you want. You don’t always have people reminding you to do your work. I feel like high school helped me with making sure I prioritize my academics the correct way.
How do you feel FPD prepared you spiritually to be off “on your own”?
Keeping a spiritual connection is definitely the most underrated key of going to college. Knowing that the Lord is with you every step, during the highs and lows, will help you more than you realize. High School helped me build the foundation with God that I now know that I really needed.
Are there skills or abilities that you now use that you gained during high school?
The most useful skill that I learned in high school was how to manage my time. Being a student athlete in college is extremely time demanding. Knowing when it is the right time to do things and when it is the wrong time to do things is very important to understand. There will definitely be time to have fun and enjoy the college life. You just have to be willing to be patient with figuring out when that time works best for you.
Looking back, what are your thoughts on your FPD experience?
One of the main things I will miss from high school is the sports. Playing sports with some of my best friends is something I will never forget.
Any advice/suggestions for the Class of ’19 as they head off to college?
When you get to college there will be a lot of different things thrown at you. It’s definitely great to try new things and meet new people, but don’t forget why you’re there. It will not always be easy, but you have to keep working. Keep God first in everything you do and it will all work out.
Any plans for next year or future goals in progress?
This summer I plan to be a huddle leader at FCA’s summer leadership camp. In athletics, my personal goal is to get an opportunity to compete for a national championship and hopefully an opportunity to make the Olympic team next summer.