Everyone’s favorite week at FPD returns March 15 – March 19, 2021! Below is a schedule of the week’s activities.
Lower School Dress Days
Monday: Favorite Color Day
Tuesday: Wacky Tacky Day
Wednesday: St. Patrick’s Day
Thursday: Favorite Sports or Sports Team
Friday: Viking Spirit Day (wear red and black)
Lower School Community Service
Lower school students will collect items for United in Pink’s summer camp program. A list of needed supplies will come home in signed papers.
Middle School Dress Days
Monday: FPD Spirit Shirt & Jeans
Tuesday: Tacky Day
Wednesday: St. Patrick’s Day
Thursday: PJ Day OR Favorite Sports Team
Friday: Black Out
Soccer Game Attendance – Wednesday:
On Wednesday, students are invited to attend the Middle School Soccer Game at 5:30 and/or 6:45 to win points for class spirit.
Middle School Community Service
Grades are challenged to bring in items for Backpack Ministry to win points for class spirit:
- 6th Grade: Tuna packages, PB crackers, Capri Suns/Kool-Aid Jammers, Pudding cups, Poptarts
- 7th Grade: Tuna packages, Fruit snacks/gummies, Capri Sun/Kool-Aid Jammers, Jello cups, Grits packets
- 8th Grade: Tuna packages, Capri Sun/Kool-Aid Jammers, Oatmeal packets, Rice Krispie Treats, Fruit Snacks/gummies
Items must be turned in by 8:15 a.m. on Thursday to be counted.
High School Schedule & Dress Days
Monday: FPD Spirit Shirt & Jeans
- Lip Sync Practice & Hall Decorations after school
Tuesday: Lip Sync
- Lip Sync will be hosted in the auditorium for 9th – 12th grade. Due to COVID safety guidelines, parents and guests will not be allowed to attend. The event will be recorded.
- Soccer Game Attendance – Students are invited to the Varsity Soccer Games to win points for class spirit
Wednesday: Relays and Class Jersey/Color Day
- All relays will be hosted outside at the football stadium. Elementary and Middle School students will attend as well.
Thursday: Relays, Dodgeball, and Class Unity Dress Day
- All relays will be hosted outside at the football stadium. Elementary and Middle School students will attend as well.
Friday: Pep Rally & Theme Day
Soccer Game Attendance – Tuesday:
On Tuesday, students are invited to attend the Varsity Soccer Games at 5:30 and/or 7:30 to win points for class spirit.
High School Community Service
Grades are challenged to bring in canned goods for local food bank to win points for class spirit. Examples: jar of peanut butter (worth 2 points), canned chicken (worth 2 points), canned beans, canned vegetables (no tomatoes, tomato paste/sauce), canned fruit, canned tuna.
Canned goods must be turned in by 8:15 a.m. on Thursday to be counted.