Jessica McDaniel – Third Grade

Jessica McDaniel graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Education from Mercer University. She has previously taught elementary and middle school grades and public and private schools. She will be teaching third grade at FPD. She is married to her husband, Brent, and they have two sons, Larson and Cole. Jessica loves spending time with her family and their dog, Marsh, and also enjoys gardening.


Hali Leskosky – 3K Teacher Aide

Hali Leskosky graduated with a bachelor’s degree in education management from Young Harris College. She will be serving as a 3K Teacher Aide at FPD. Previously, Hali worked at summer camp at the Lovett School and has spent this past semester working in the enrichment program at FPD. She is married to her husband, Mac. Hali also serves as a Youth Leader at Vineville United Methodist Church.

Jessica Huckeba – Kindergarten

Jessica Huckeba is from Gray, Georgia and will be teaching kindergarten at FPD. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Capella University and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Georgia College and State University. Jessica previously taught sixth grade for two years in Jasper County and sixth grade special education in Jones County for one year. She and her husband, Zack, have two sons, Colton and Cyler.