Exchange Students
Photo from 2017 exchange trip.

FPD enjoys a wonderful sister school relationship with the Xiehe School in Guangzhou, China. As part of that relationship, FPD students are able to visit China in the spring and students from the Xiehe School are able to visit FPD in the late summer. This wonderful program allows students to learn more about the culture of each community.

This year FPD will be hosting students from the Xiehe School August 19 – 26 and host families are needed.

To be a host family contact Lisa Spear at

What does being a host family entail?

Hosting an international student is a unique opportunity for your family to learn about a different culture while allowing a student from another country to experience the real life of an American student their age. Your international student will be able to learn about American culture and customs and be able to impart their own customs and culture to your family. Most of our visiting exchange students have never been to America and are thrilled at the opportunity to live with an American family for the week.

You will be obligated to provide a room for sleeping and access to a bathroom for your exchange student. Your exchange student will be busy on most days with school planned activities. Your exchange student will usually spend between 2-3 evenings with your family, while the other nights they will be partaking in field trips or other experiences. Your responsibility will be bring them to school each morning with your student(s).

Commonly Asked Questions:

Can I host a student if my child is busy playing a fall sport?

Absolutely! Your exchange student can do whatever activity your child would normally do during this week. Your exchange student can attend practice with your student or go home with you!

What if they don’t like American food? What do I feed them?

Typically parents have spent one afternoon taking their exchange student to the grocery store and letting them buy some snacks and breakfast foods.

When we get home my exchange student just went to the room for the night. Is that normal?

Yes. Your exchange student normally has a two hour rest break during their school day. When they visit us they are kept very busy and the jet lag hits some harder than others so they are very tired!

We don’t have time to entertain our exchange student, but would still like to host. Is that okay!

Yes! Your exchange student wants to experience YOUR everyday American life. If that means being in the car with you while you run errands that is okay. You may let them shoot hoops in the driveway, partake in cooking dinner with you, or just watching a movie or tv show as a family. Your exchange student will be thrilled!

Video from FPD’s Exchange Trip to China

View the video below to see what a great experience our students had in China due to FPD’s sister school relationship with the Xiehe School.