FPD plans to collect all student tablets at the end of this school year. We will be erasing and re-imaging the students’ tablets and plan to hand them back out within a couple of weeks after we receive the tablets. Students will receive the same tablet back that they turn in for re-imaging.
We also plan to refresh any tablets that have incurred excessive physical damage. While many of the tablets are still technically functional, there are some tablets that have been broken to the point that they are vulnerable to internal damage. We will be servicing them before they are returned. If your student’s tablet needs to be serviced, an email will be sent out to your billing email address to document the damage the tablet incurred. If any service is required for the tablet, your particular turn around time may be longer.
1. Save Personal Data. Please help make sure that your student has removed all of their personal data before they turn in their tablet. FPD will not be responsible for any data left on the tablet when it is re-imaged. They can back-up their personal files to their external hard disk drive, USB drive or whatever online/cloud storage solution they may use. The individual student will be responsible for saving or backing up any data they want to keep from the 2013-14 school year.
2. Export OneNote Notebooks they wish to keep. Click here for instructions on exporting OneNote Notebooks. These steps must be repeated for EVERY notebook that is to be saved.
3. Make sure all three components are available for turn-in. The three (3) things to be turned in are tablet, stylus and power supply. Please make sure the student removes any USB devices, SD cards or other accessories from their tablet BEFORE turning it in. We will not accept any other accessories or cases at the Turn-In.
4. Make sure your student has completed the top half of the Tablet Turn-in Form provided by their teacher. They will need to bring it with them when they deliver their tablet.
5. Follow the schedule below for Tablet Turn-in. Dates vary by your student’s current grade level and are provided on this schedule.
12th Grade (Finals exempt): May 13, 8 am-3:30 pm, IT Help Desk
12th Grade (After Finals): May 14-16, 8 am-3:30 pm, IT Help Desk
5th Grade: (*tentative):*May 27, 9 am-12 pm, Homerooms
7th-11th Grades: May 27, 28, 29, 8 am-3:30 pm, Zach Gym
6th Grade: May 29, 8:15 am, 6th Grade Hall
All Grades: June 2-6, 9 am-4 pm, IT Help Desk
***Seniors that exempt all finals should turn in their tablets by May 13th***
6. Pick up your tablet when re-imaging is complete. We will notify your student that their tablet is ready through their existing FPD Email account. They can access this from practically any computer, tablet or smart phone with internet access by going to www.www.fpdmacon.org, selecting “FPD Community” and clicking on “Email Login”. They will simply need to enter their FPD email address (Nickname.Lastname.YY@fpdmacon.org) along with their password to login to their FPD Webmail account. Note: “YY” in email address stands for the last two digits of the student’s graduation year.
Tablets may be submitted between May 9 and June 6. All grades and transcripts will be held until tablets and peripherals are returned as indicated above. Please be sure to backup all important documents and files as these will be removed as part of the re-imaging process.
For questions, please contact Sy Jones at sy.jones@fpdmacon.org. Include “Tablet Turn-in” in the subject line of the email.