by Courtney Cawley, Parent of the Class of ’23, ’25, ’29 and VPA Prayer Team Leader
Preview Day was a huge success with many new families spending the afternoon checking us out! As a parent, my heart was full when I left the event because of so many reasons. As I walked families around and told them about our campus, our programs that are available, and the amazing staff, teachers, families, and students that made up our FPD family, my heart was full of gratitude.
Days like that one always bring me back to why our family chose FPD. We were not from Macon and so the decision was BIG as to where we would choose to send our children each day! The bottom line is that after touring several schools, our heart was connected to FPD because of the foundation based on Jesus Christ. The truth is, our children are at school for more hours each day than they are with us, so knowing that they were in a school where they would be prayed over and prayed with was a gift to us!
I am telling you all of this because the more people I talk to, the more I realize that our story is similar to yours. You too, realize the importance of a school whose mission is to educate and equip these children to change the world for God’s glory.
As parents in a Christian school, we are privileged to support our school in a way that truly makes a difference. The first Monday of each month from 8:20 a.m – 8:45 a.m. we can join together on the bleachers of our football stadium and pour our hearts out to the Lord on behalf of our school. This is a beautiful time of connecting our hearts to His and asking for His guidance, protection and favor as we thank Him for all of the blessings He has given to us.
If you are not comfortable praying out-loud, you don’t have to say a thing. What a blessing to have the opportunity to sit on the bleachers at our children’s school with other parents and delight Him with our praise and requests! Our promise is to close our prayer time by 8:45 so that you can get where you need to be by 9:00 but we are asking you to prayerfully consider filling the parking spots up for this very important meeting to pray together Monday, February 4th at 8:20.
My prayer is that this invitation will spread through all of your friend groups and you will bring them with you and we will spend a few minutes together with the Lord!