Joy to the World, the Lord has come! At Christmas we sing about the joy that Jesus brings us as we trust in Him. He saves us from ourselves, from our own self-centeredness and sin. He provides us comfort in our trials through the fellowship of others and of His Holy Spirit, and He gives us promises for provision, wisdom, relationship, and a “place” in heaven which He is personally preparing for us one day. All of this gives us reason to celebrate and be joyful. The root of our joy is Jesus and joy is multiplied exponentially when shared. Joy makes us strong. It lifts our spirits and buoys us in times of despair and grief. Joy makes life worth living.
Joy is all about relationships, our relationship with Jesus and our relationship with others. Typically, one will not find joy in isolation.
So, how do we experience the full measure of joy?
Jesus tells us that our “joy will be complete” if we keep His commandments, especially His most important commands — To love The Lord our God, to remain in His love, and to love each other as He loves us.
Chase after joy and use His resources of joy to full measure by:
- Remembering and meditating on all of the Lord’s goodness and love.
- Naming the blessings that He pours out daily.
- Studying His Word in order to love and understand Him to the fullest.
- Seeking to love Him by obeying His commands.
- Celebrating with others.
- Sharing with others.
- Worshiping the Lord with joyful songs.
So, as you are fellowshipping with family and friends this Christmas remember the words of Nehemiah: “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)
About the Author
Susan F.Causey lives in Macon and has served as our Elementary School Counselor at FPD since 2007. She received a B.A. in English Literature and Psychology from Vanderbilt University and an M.Ed. in Counseling Psychology from Georgia State University with a certificate in Biblical Studies. She is married to Harold and they have 3 children and 6 grandchildren. Susan enjoys hanging out with her family, being outdoors, going on trips, biking, and working with clay. Her book, “Put on Your Ruby Slippers, We’re Heading Home – Straight Parenting in a Twister World,” is a collection of her columns offering loving, practical parenting advice for today’s young families. Copies are available for sale in the Elementary Office for $15. For more information or to contact Susan, email her at susan.causey@fpdmacon.org.