With a gracious and thankful heart, Mrs. Wade Putnal, FPD’s Lower School Principal, announced her retirement, effective at the end of the 2019 – 2020 school year. Mrs. Putnal has been with FPD for 18 years. During that time she served as a first grade teacher for eight years before becoming the Lower School Principal in 2010. As principal, she helped FPD’s Lower School achieve a National Blue Ribbon for Exemplary Performance in 2012. She also helped established the FPD elementary educational gardens, launch the lower school Reading Boost program, and expand FPD’s lower school program, among other accomplishments.
“I feel so blessed to get to do what I love to do every day,” said Mrs. Putnal. “I have been teaching ever since I graduated from college, and I have made so many treasured memories. Being principal at FPD has been such a joy and a blessing. Working with an outstanding staff and getting to know all the parents and students has been an amazing opportunity. The FPD family will always be a very special part of my life.”
Mrs. Shannon Bryant Named New Lower School Principal
Accepting the position as FPD’s new Lower School Principal is Mrs. Shannon Bryant. Mrs. Bryant has been teaching at FPD for eight years, serving as a fourth grade teacher and now as FPD’s elementary science teacher. Prior to joining FPD, Shannon served as the Gifted Lead Teacher in Houston County for 17 years. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education, a Master’s Degree in Education, and a Specialist of Education. She also has endorsements in Reading and Gifted Programs. Shannon is a 1993 graduate of FPD, attending FPD from 1st grade – 12th grade. She and her husband, Kevin, have two children at FPD, Sadie ’25 and Tate ’21, as well as a 2018 FPD alumnus, Tucker.
In a letter to FPD lower school faculty, Mrs. Putnal noted that the decision came after a lot of prayerful consideration. “Shannon will be a wonderful Lower School Principal. I am so thrilled she accepted the position,” said Mrs. Putnal. “She has a such an amazing background in education and is going to be a great team leader. The teachers, parents, and students know and love her. I am now looking forward to slowing down a bit and spending more time with my family.”
Thankfulness for Mrs. Putnal
“Wade has been a wonderful asset to our school,” said Dr. Shealy, FPD’s Associate Head of School. “Her leadership in FPD’s Lower School Program has been invaluable. She is leaving the Lower School in very capable hands. I am confident that Shannon will do an excellent job.”
“Mrs. Putnal will be greatly missed,” added Mr. Joe McDaniel, FPD’s Interim Head of School. “I have greatly admired her leadership and enthusiasm. An event to honor Mrs. Putnal will be planned at a later date. We definitely want to celebrate her many years of distinguished, faithful service to our school and our families.”
Mrs. Bryant will begin her tenure as principal this summer. She noted that there was no way to begin to say thank you enough for Mrs. Putnal’s leadership. “She has led us with grace, humility, and a steady hand,” said Shannon, “She has taught us how to find joy in everyday moments and how to rely fully on the Lord’s strength. I am so grateful for her and feel so blessed and excited for this new opportunity.”