We are off to a great start with our new student I.D. badges and access system. Thank you for your cooperation and support. Below are a few reminders in regards to the system and new student I.D.’s.
Lost Student I.D.’s
If your child has lost his or her student I.D., replacements must be requested from Cindy Martin in the Administration Building in person or by emailing her at cindy.martin@fpdmacon.org. There is a $10 charge, which can be paid in cash or check at the time of request or billed to your tuition account.
Just for middle school and high school: Once Mrs. Martin prints the I.D., she will notify our I.T. Department. They will activate the new student I.D. for our access system and deactivate the old one. The I.T. department does not need to have the new student I.D. to activate it. As soon as the student picks up his or her Student I.D. from Mrs. Martin’s office, the student will be able to use it for lunch (middle school and high school) if needed. However, it may take a few hours for I.T. to activate the student I.D. to open doors.
Found Student I.D.’s
If your child finds his or her lost Student I.D., or that of another student, please return it to the I.T. Help Desk in the Media Center.
Temporary Lunch Passes
In middle school and high school, the student I.D. is also the student lunch pass. If you or your child needs a single-day ticket to dine in the the lunchroom, prices are as follows.
- Just middle school and high school – If a student is on the lunch plan but has lost or misplaced his or her I.D. and has not picked up a new one from Mrs. Martin, the single-day price is $2. Students may purchase these at The Viking Store by cash, charge, or check or tuition billing.
- All grades – If a student is not on the dining plan but would like to dine in the lunch room, a single-day lunch ticket can be purchased for $7 (elementary), $8 (middle school), or $9 (high school). Students may purchase these at The Viking Store by cash, charge, or check or tuition billing.
- All parents – $8 for parent passes. Parents can be purchase these at The Viking Store by cash, charge, or check or tuition billing.