We continue our Tuesday Teacher Spotlights by heading over to our preschool building to talk with Mrs. Casey Handberry, one of FPD’s three wonderful kindergarten teachers. Mrs. Handberry graduated from the University of Georgia with a B.S. degree in Early Childhood Education and received a Master’s degree in the area of School Counseling from Augusta University.
Who inspired you to be a teacher?
My mother was a teacher, and I remember seeing her pour into her students every day. She gave her best to them and expected their best in return. I have always loved and consider it a huge blessing and honor to follow in my mother’s footsteps – to teach, nurture and mold our children. I want to encourage them to be their best version of who God created them to be not only academically, but as contributing citizens to change our world for His glory.
What do you love most about teaching?
I love seeing my students learn, thrive and become ready for the next grade level. Of course, the relationships that build and strengthen as the year progresses is the cherry on top!
What do you think is the best part about FPD’s Kindergarten program?
There are so many wonderful aspects of FPD’s Kindergarten program that it’s challenging to choose just one! I love the developmental appropriateness and hands-on learning of our Kindergarten Program. We are encouraged to nurture the development of the whole child – spiritually, academically, socially and emotionally.
What do you love most about FPD?
FPD is family, and we are grateful for the Christian and excellent academic education that our children are receiving. My entire family is blessed by the meaningful, genuine, loving friendships and relationships that have been established and that have grown deeper throughout the years that we have been at FPD.
Beyond the subject matter, what do you hope students will learn from you and your class?
I hope that my students will leave our classroom family knowing that we love them and they are wonderfully made and created by God. My goal for all children is for them to become and give their personal best!
Quick Answer Questions
Hobbies? I love to play tennis and basketball and go on walks. I enjoy spending time with my family and my friends. My favorite hobby during this season of life is to watch and cheer on my boys in any sport they play!
Favorite Fast Food? My favorite fast food is definitely Chick-fil-A!
Favorite Place to Vacation? I love the beach! It is a slice of heaven on earth for me!
What superhero skill would you love to have? A superhero skill that I would love to have is teleportation!
What hobby would you like to learn? I would love to learn how to arrange flowers like the talented Allison Lucas!
What’s one of the first things you will do when we get through these crazy times? I cannot wait to watch my boys play ball and I can’t wait to go to the BEACH!
Favorite Bible Verse?
One of my favorite Bible verses is Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”