by Greg Moore, FPD’s Director of Athletics
This school is approaching 50 years of existence. How far it has come! How blessed we are! As I’ve pondered what this school means – what it has meant to so many before us and what it still means today – I’ve concluded that there are a few constants that have formed a foundation here, a foundation for the Viking Nation. I call them the three P’s.

There is PURPOSE here.
Posted on the coaches’ offices when I first started was a sign that said, “The Main Thing is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing.” It was a vivid reminder to us that there was always one thing – the Main thing – that reigned supreme here. I’m proud that the foundation on which this school was founded is still the foundation on which this school operates today – the Main thing is still the Main thing.
There are numerous stories of young girls and young boys who were educated and equipped and did affect change in this world because some teacher, coach, administrator, or staff member had very sensitive insight and saw the Potential of a young student created in the image of the Almighty Himself.
This school understands that Christ did this – and surely there can’t be a better model of being Perceptive about Potential. To name a few who benefitted from Christ’s perception – denying Peter became the rock-like leader of the early church, persecuting Saul became a Preacher named Paul, demon-possessed Mary Magdalene would be the first to see the resurrected Christ, proud, intellectual Nicodemus would humbly be born again, and a selfish tax collector Zaccheus would host Christ himself and become generous.
We PREACH the good news here.
The Mercedes Benz Company once had a television commercial which showed a Mercedes Benz automobile colliding with a cement wall. The commercial demonstrated the energy-absorbing car body that all Mercedes Benz automobiles have. In the commercial, an interviewer asked a company spokesman why the company did not patent the car body design to prevent it from being copied by other automobile companies. The company spokesman said, “Because some things in life are too important not to share.”
The Gospel – the good news – is too important not to share.
The VIKING NATION is strong. There is purpose. We are perceptive about potential. And we preach the gospel.
Our theme verse for this year is Romans 15:6 – “so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
I pray that each of you will enjoy this season of your life, and that as a unified body of believers that makes up the core of the VIKING NATION, we will glorify God with one mind and one voice. Go Vikings!