We are grateful to be back in school and are attempting to return to some normalcy during the school day. The students are full of energy and smiles here at school and, we have been amazed at their resiliency. That being said, we understand that many are still without power and internet services, and may continue to be for some time. The teachers are adjusting work-loads and working with students to make sure that they are leaving school with what they need to do their required work at home. While we are reminding students at school, you can help too.
If you have a 5th – 12th grade student who uses a tablet and you are without power and internet at home, remind your child to the following things before they leave campus each day:
Middle School & High School
- Download or copy their required work from Moodle, or their online text book, into their OneNote Notebooks (OneNote is digital notebook that does not require internet connection to pull up at home).
- Make sure their tablets are charged
- Make physical copies in the media center if necessary
- Ask teachers or IT for help if they are having trouble
5th Grade
- Use currently allotted extra time at the beginning and end of school to complete assignments
- Download and make copies of any work they need before they leave campus
In addition, we are opening portions of the campus this evening and on Saturday for students who need internet access after hours .
- Thursday, September 14 the FPD library will be open and monitored from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Saturday, September 16 the High School building will be open and monitored from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
We will deal with the hiccups that arise and are committed to working through these problems with grace and care in the days and weeks to come. We pray everyone will have their power and internet back soon. Please let us know if there are any other ways we can assist. Thank you for your continued support as we partner with you to educate and equip your children to change the world for God’s glory.