We are looking forward to the upcoming school year and welcoming our students and faculty back to campus. As always, the health and safety of our community is a top priority. Last year, we were successful managing illnesses on campus and anticipate continuing this in the 2021-2022 school year. Thank you for partnering with us as we implement the following safety guidelines. They are based on direction from FPD’s medical committee in order to provide the best opportunity to keep our students and faculty healthy and maintain on-campus, relationship-based learning.
Stay Well on Campus
Last year, Viking Nation did an incredible job keeping students home when they were ill. It was the primary reason we were able to successfully complete the school year on campus. In our effort to prevent the spread of all illnesses (including COVID-19) for the 2021-2022 school year, we humbly ask that you keep your children at home when they are ill. Illness may include but not limited to fever, Covid-19 symptoms (to include loss of taste or smell), any contagious illness (flu, strep throat, etc). Parents should use common sense when deciding whether a student is ill and should not come to school. Likewise, if your student is not feeling well at school, he or she will be evaluated by our school nurse, Katie Collier, and may be asked to go home or to wear a mask while on campus.
Positive COVID cases
If a student or faculty member tests positive for COVID-19, they will be asked to isolate and quarantine. They can return to school based on the following guidelines:
Positive Cases – Symptomatic
- At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared AND
- At least 24 hours have passed since last fever without the use of fever-reducing medications AND
- Other symptoms have improved
Positive Cases – Asymptomatic
- At least 10 days have passed since positive laboratory test and the person remains asymptomatic
Note: If the asymptomatic person later develops symptoms, follow the guidelines for symptomatic cases
Exposure to Positive Cases
It is the responsibility of the family who has tested positive for COVID-19 to communicate any possible exposures to those people who they may have exposed. An exposure is considered within three feet for more than 15 minutes without a mask within the last 48 hours of someone testing positive or the onset of symptoms that lead to a positive COVID-19 test. Should a family believe their student was exposed to COVID-19, the student must report this exposure to Mrs. Katie Collier, the school nurse, and should quarantine with the directions below.
If required to quarantine, students may return to school according to the following:
- Return to school after 10 full days have passed since exposure, and the student has not tested positive for COVID-19 and is not experiencing any COVID symptoms during quarantine.
- Return to school after 7 full days have passed since exposure, and the student has a negative COVID-19 test performed on the 5, 6, or 7 day since the last exposure to the positive person.
**Students and employees who have been fully vaccinated do not have to quarantine for any COVID-19 exposures.
Updated: August 23 – Masks are now required for students in 4th – 12th grade while inside as well as all faculty and staff. Disposable masks are available at the school offices.
Cleaning & Handwashing
We will continue to prioritize handwashing and campus cleaning. Likewise, hand sanitizing stations will be available on campus.
We believe these guidelines offer the best opportunity to keep our campus healthy. However, they are subject to change. As the school year progresses, we will monitor illnesses within our community and update guidelines as needed.