We are excited to welcome back our students on Wednesday, August 13 for the 2014-15 school year. Here is some important information to know heading into this academic year.
Parent Email Addresses and Contact Information:
If you have any changes of address, phone numbers (home or mobile), preferred email or other changes, please notify Tammy Jones, Enrollment Assistant – tammy.jones@fpdmacon.org. Since we frequently communicate via email, it is important that we have at least one correct email address per family.
First Day of School Instructions, Wednesday, August 13, 2014:
- 3K – Kindergarten, 8:30 a.m.*, Report to classroom
- 1st – 5th Grade, 8:15 a.m., Report to classroom
- 6th – 8th Grade, 8:15 a.m., Report to The MAC Gym
- 9th-12th Grade, 8:15 a.m., Report to Clark Fine Arts Auditorium
*First day only – Thereafter, school begins at 8:15 a.m.
- Faculty members will be in the lobby to help elementary students to their classrooms.
- Middle and High School Schedules will be distributed in homeroom after the opening assembly.
- Wednesday, August 20, 2014, begins late start at 8:50 a.m. (Main campus only)
First Day of School Morning Traffic: Parents who wish to walk their child to class on the first day of school should park in the parking lot by the soccer field, across from the Fine Arts Center or in the Middlebrooks Athletic Center parking area. Parents of pre-schoolers going to the Kindergarten Building may park in the parking area by the kindergarten building. Parents of elementary children, who are dropping their children off only, are encouraged to use the elementary traffic circle.
Driving and Parking on Campus:
The designated pick-up and drop-off areas are in front of the High School Building and Elementary carpool only. Picking up and dropping off students by the Administration and Middle School buildings creates an unsafe situation. Traffic backs up onto Foster Road, and we have a number of children walking through moving traffic to get to rides. If you desire to use the upper lot (soccer/baseball lot) to pick-up and drop-off, you must park in a parking space and either wait for your child or preferably walk to get your child. Please do not wait in the drive way or lanes in the parking lot.
During afternoon pick up, please do not wait on Calvin Drive unless in the turn lane. If you arrive early, please find a parking space in the back parking lot to wait on your child. Waiting on Calvin Drive creates an unsafe situation as other cars attempt to pass stopped vehicles and cross the double line. Thank you for your careful attention to the safety of all of our students in this area and throughout campus. Please drive carefully and limit your speed to 15 mph or less while on campus.
Regular Dismissal Time, beginning Thursday, August 14th:
- 3K, HALF Day PreK & HALF Day Kindergarten – 12:30 p.m.
- FULL Day PreK & FULL Day Kindergarten – 3:00 p.m.
- 1st – 5th Grade – 3:00 p.m.
- 6th – 12th Grade – 3:10 p.m.
(The school calendar indicates other variations in dismissals.)
School Lunches:
The cafeteria will begin serving lunch on Thursday, August 14th. (No lunch period is scheduled on Wednesday, August 13th.) Dining Plan Forms were mailed previously. Students will automatically be re-enrolled in the same plan they had last year unless we receive an updated form.
Dress Code:
The dress code remains the same as last year and can be found in the student handbook on our website, www.www.fpdmacon.org. Go to the FPD Community page, go to the Documents section, scroll down to the appropriate school division section and look for the 2014-2015 Student Handbook. A link to Lands’ End Uniforms can be found on the FPD Community page as well.