Mrs. Chelsea Latimer and Mrs. Sarah Futo led their eighth grade Georgia History and English classes in a group, interactive lesson about Modern Day Slavery. Teams of students worked together to learn more about where slavery still exists, brands that utilize slave labor, and ways they can make a difference. They researched organizations through a museum-style set-up, read more about the types of slavery, and were challenged to write a poem showing the change in racism, slavery, and injustice from the Civil War to modern day.
“The purpose of the Modern Day Slavery Interactive Museum,” said Mrs. Latimer, “is to teach students about the evils and reality of modern day slavery and human trafficking. This activity encourages students to become active members of their community and recognize that racism and slavery are not extinct in our world. We hope that they learn to use their knowledge learned at FPD for good, for the Gospel, and for people who can’t speak up for themselves.”