FPD’s One-Act performers presented “The Secret of Madame Defarge” at the ASCI One-Act Competition on November 16. The cast and crew received awards for Best Ensemble, Best Set, Best Tech, and tied for Best is Show.

Individual awards went to:

  • Tyler Perkins, All-Star Cast
  • Reagan Simmons, Best Supporting Actress
  • Daniel Cardis, Best Supporting Actor
  • Ryann Perkins, Honorable Mention Best Actress

FPD Fine Arts Director, Dr. Andrew Strickland, said after the performance, “What the beautiful glass awards don’t show however is what a great job our cast and crew did all weekend long. They were highly supportive of other groups. They were friendly and connected with others. They threw themselves into the workshops. They helped each other through difficult circumstances. They were incredibly respectful to the judges and other directors.  n short, they were the reflection of Christ that we all want our students to be. They made me endlessly proud.”