What inspired you to become a teacher?
Even while I was in high school, I always thought it would be nice to be on the other side of that desk. The Lord has absolutely made it clear that this is where I am supposed to be. It is a miracle that I am where I am today. I can look back and see how the Lord has divinely orchestrated the events of my life to put me where I am today.
What do you like most about working with students as a teacher and coach?
I love students! I am basically just a big kid so I relate to students very well! I love being able to be an influence on my students. When my life is over, I hope that at least one student will be able to say that I made a difference in their life. I hope that I may have helped them see Christ, or have helped their academics, or made them realize what is really important to them.
Why do you think Viking Football League (VFL) is a wonderful program for young athletes?
The Viking Football League is a wonderful opportunity to introduce our young students to, not only football, but organized team sports. FPD Viking Football League participants will learn discipline, hard work, and excellence. More importantly, they will also receive guidance from Christian coaches who understand how sports directly relate to life.
What do you hope VFL players will take away from the season?
First and foremost, I hope that the Lord Jesus will be glorified by their participation. I also hope that they will begin to understand of how they can impact their own lives and the lives of others through athletics.
Anything parents should know about this year’s VFL season?
My absolute one wish that I could get across to parents is to let your child have fun! Encourage them, tell them how much you enjoy watching them play, but let them be kids. Let them learn the fundamentals and begin their journey to loving sports.
Why do you think FPD is such a wonderful school community?
I love FPD! I believe it is not only one of the finest schools in the state, but also one of the finest schools in the nation. When I began my teaching career, I never dreamed I would have the opportunity for my kids to go to a school like FPD, let alone be able to teach there. I have been in private school education in middle GA for 15 years, and I have never been a part of an institution greater than FPD. It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of this faculty and staff. The combination of a devotion to Christ, rigorous academics and outstanding athletics is a rare find in today’s world of education.
Favorite Bible Verse?
As I get older, my understanding of Christ and the Bible deepens and becomes clearer. I begin to understand and deeply appreciate the sovereign grace of our Lord and Savior. My favorite verses are Lamentations 3:22-24, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion;therefore I will wait for him.’”

For more information and to register your student for FPD’s Viking Football League, click here.