Congratulations to fifth grade teacher Melissa Brown who was named FPD’s 2016 Teacher of the Year!
Melissa Brown’s love for the Lord is effervescent, as is her enthusiasm and love for her students. She truly puts her students – their faith, learning, and love – as her top priority. Below are comments from some of Ms. Brown’s students and fellow teachers.
- Most importantly, Melissa is a wonderful Christian lady who eagerly shares her love for the Lord with all that surround her… teachers, friends, students, and families.
- Motivates students to show God’s love in all ways.
- Loves each student and makes learning fun and challenging.
- Sets expectations and holds her students accountable in all areas.
- Volunteers extra time to stay late after school to conduct “touch up” tutoring sessions.
- Takes time to pour over her lesson plans to make sure she is providing the most during her time with each of her classes.
- Seeks opportunities to grow professionally and looks for ways to enhance and enrich her teaching and students learning.
- Known as “ the Boss’ of the 5th grade team.. she is a leader, organizer, planner, and makes sure all know the rules.
- You can feel her enthusiasm for her job .. being a teacher… she loves it!!
- A teacher who truly puts her students… their faith, learning and love as her top priority!
- She spends quality time getting to know her students and many times makes an effort to attend their out of school activities.
- Loves her job! Loves teaching History! Puts her heart and soul into teaching and never gives up on her students.
- Grades each student’s paper diligently providing handwritten personal comments.
- Teachers her students to safely express their feelings and learn to respect and listen to others.
- 5th teachers are proud to be on her team!
About the Award: The Teacher of the Year Award is given in memory of Mr. William Harris Bragg. To be eligible, a teacher must have taught at FPD for at least three years and be nominated by his/her teaching peers, student leaders or a member of the Board of Trustees. Steve and Ginger Bragg wanted to remember their dad in a way that encourages FPD’s teachers for commitment to strive to honor Christ in their profession and for their investment in making a difference in students’ lives. The criteria for selection include: Christian Character, Professional Excellence, Concern for Students and Commitment to our school.