As we lean into returning to school on Tuesday, January 4, we want to give you some reminders and updates as we continue to monitor and respond to illness in the Macon community and Viking Nation. We have been in contact with the FPD Medical Council, and they believe this recent surge is weaker than previous surges. They are reporting that children are sicker with the flu than they are with Covid-19. Therefore, we are viewing all illness the same. Our goal remains to keep illness off our campus.
If you have symptoms of illness, PLEASE communicate with Nurse Katie Collier for directions at
Please see below for details regarding updated guidelines for returning to school after a positive test or exposure:
If your student tests positive for FLU or COVID and has symptoms, he or she may return to school when:
- At least 5 days* have passed since symptoms first appeared AND
- At least 24 hours have passed since last fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) have improved
If your student tests positive for FLU or COVID and has NO symptoms, he or she may return to school when:
- At least 5 days* have passed since the positive laboratory test AND
- Your student remains asymptomatic
- Note, if your student later develops symptoms, you should follow the guidance for symptomatic persons above
* If returning to school earlier than 10 days, your student should continue to wear a mask around others and do their best to maintain social distancing for the remainder of the 10 days since symptoms started (if initially symptomatic) or the remainder of the 10 days since the positive test (if your student has remained asymptomatic).
If you feel your student has been exposed:
- Communicate with Nurse Katie Collier that your student may have been exposed;
- Wear a mask for 10 days at school;
- If symptoms occur, stay home, get tested.